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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

What We Are Learning

Summer 1:

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Easter break and are well rested. We are looking forward to building upon the hard work completed in Spring 2. We are also looking forward to showing those SATS what we are made of!


Learning Challenge: Geography: South America. This half term we will be learning about South America. We will learn about the countries of South America, the issues of over-population that impact countries of South America and we will be learning about famous South American landmarks such as Machu Picchu. In addition to this, we will be looking at river basins, Angel Falls and the Andes mountain range. Once we have finished our South America topic, we will be learning about Maps, four figure and six figure grid references, we will also be looking at Geographical features of Europe and the world and will be comparing Europe to Asia. Finally, we will look at transport networks.


English: This term we will be writing two narratives and a formal letter of complaint as well as a Non-chronological report about South America.   

We will also be doing lots of revision in preparation for our upcoming SATS tests in May. This will involve developing our exam technique and practicing lots of different SATS style questions in order to make sure we are confident on the day! In reading, we will focus on:

  • Explaining the meaning of words in context
  • Retrieving and recording information, identifying key details from fiction and non-fiction
  • Summarising the main ideas from more than one paragraph
  • Making inferences from the text/explaining and justifying inferences with evidence from the text


Maths: During this half term we will be revising the four operations, will learn about shapes, translation and reflection and will complete lots of revision in preparation for the SATS.



Living things and their habitats:

We will:

  • Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals
  • Give reasons for classifying plants and animals


P.E: Net and wall (Tennis): We will practice the ready position, introduce the concept of a rally, develop our confidence in hand/eye coordination, develop our backhand technique, start to develop the skill of serving and then start to apply our new skills to a game of tennis. 


P.E: Netball: We will develop accurate throwing and catching skills along with simple attacking and defending skills. We will then look at specific positions of the game before moving onto developing our shooting skills in a game play situation.


R.E: In RE we will be looking at Christianity and will be looking into different stories from the bible and the messages these stories give. We will:

  • Explore the themes of the Bible and identify familiar stories
  • Explore the story of Ruth and Naomi
  • Explore the story of Daniel & relate it to religious persecution today.
  • Explore the parables of Jesus.

Find out about Christian baptism through the story of John the Baptist.

  • Look at the apostle Paul & the early church.


PSHCE: In PSHCE, we will be exploring the concept of ‘Mental health’ and will be considering what can impact our mental health. We will be learning about love and loss, power and control and will also look at how to stay safe when using the internet.  


Music: Roots: We will be learning how to sing a song with expression, will be singing in a 2-part harmony and will identify the structure of a piece of music.


Modern Foreign Languages:  At the café. We will be learning how to order food and drinks and will be learning how to talk about the food and drink we like in Spanish.


Computing: Programming: We will use functions to create user input in programs, we will then use loops create drawings, use nested loops to create a maze and will learn how to use variables to keep track of certain elements in a program.







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