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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

What We Are Learning

Summer 1


Hello! Welcome back for our first half term of the Summer term! We hope you all had a lovely Easter break and are ready to learn lots of new and exciting things!


Below is lots of information about all the different things we are going to be learning about this half term. We are really excited to get started and learn lots of new things!



Learning Challenge: 




Anglo-Saxons and Scots - How do you deal with unwelcome guests?


During this topic, we will be learning all about the Anglo-Saxons. How they came to live in Britain, what life was like as an Anglo-Saxon and how the ruling of England changed under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. We will be using our historian skills to uncover lots of new information from a variety of sources!




During this half term we aim to develop our understanding of facts files and create an Anglo-Saxon narrative based on our book 'Beowolf'.


Our reading sessions this half term will be focusing on My Family and other Romans by Marie Basting.



This half term we will be exploring

  • Fractions and decimals
  • Money
  • Capacity
  • Shape


We will also continue to rehearse times tables and develop our reasoning skills through 'Deep Dive' and 'Twisted' challenges. 




Through this half term we will be investigating and exploring: 




In this topic we will:

  • Identify the main parts of different flowering plants and explain their function
  • Investigate how different growing conditions affect the growth and health of plants.
  • Investigate how water is transported in
  • Explain different methods of pollination in flowering plants.
  • Explain different methods of seed dispersal in flowering plants and group them.


P.E :


PE- Net & Wall 1 and 2 (Tennis)



  • To introduce pupils to the ‘ready position’ and to practice and develop basic movement skills to be used in net & wall games.
  • To introduce pupils to the concept of ‘feeding the ball’.
  • To introduce the tactic of aiming for space in the opponent’s court.
  • To develop positioning and movement skills needed to succeed in a net/wall game.
  • To practice and develop moving into the correct position to return a shot in net/wall games
  • To develop hand-eye coordination and introduce the forehand technique to return a ball.


Religious Education :


Islam- Rites of passage


  • Understand what Islam is and what the five pillars are.
  • Explore Muslim birth ceremonies and naming days.
  • Find out about the Islamic marriage ceremony.
  • Find out about Muslim funeral ceremonies.
  • Understand the importance of the Hajj for a Muslim person.






  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of each member of my family.
  • Identify and practice some of the skills of friendship.
  • Know and use some strategies for keeping myself safe.
  • Compare my life to others around the world.




In the Past


  • To understand pitch
  • To combine rhythmic and melodic patterns


Computing : 


Creating media animation


  • Use a range of techniques to create a stop-frame animation using tablets.
  • Apply those skills to create a story-based animation.
  • Adding other types of media to their animation, such as music and text.


Design and Technology:


Making Mini Greenhouses


  • Explore existing greenhouses
  • Investigate stable structures
  • Investigate materials for making a mini greenhouse
  • Design a mini greenhouse
  • Make a mini greenhouse
  • Evaluate a finished product.




Sculpture and 3D: Abstract Shape and Space


Throughout this topic we aim to explore: 


  • Try out different ways to make card shapes three dimensional,
  • Make a structure that holds its 3D shape.
  • Explain in simple terms the difference between 2D and 3D art.
  • Combine shapes together to make an interesting free-standing sculpture.






Contact Us

We've had 1 9 4 8 3 1 visitors


  • Barn Owls 0
  • Eagle Owls 0
  • Snowy Owls 0
  • Tawny Owls 0


Awards we have acheived so far.
