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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

About School Council

About School Council


As Sawley Junior School Council children we work hard to make sure all children have a chance to be heard.
Every year two councillors are elected to represent their class. They wear their badges with pride and stand out as role models in the school. Councillors can be identified by their photos on the web page.
A chairperson and secretary are elected at the first meeting and then take responsibility for running the meetings.

Aims of our School Council

  •  To develop life skill
  • To give pupils a voice
  • To improve our school
  • To help build the school community


Developing Life Skills

The school council can provide the basis for active learning of important life skills such as:-

  • Speaking and listening * Building self esteem
  • Decision making * Moral reasoning skills
  • Problem solving * Teamwork
  • Taking responsibility


Giving Pupils a Voice

The school council provides an ideal platform for us all to say what we think should happen in our school and be listened to. We are able to represent the school by giving presentations at various events, reaching a wider audience in the community.


To Improve Our School

We help our Headteacher and the Governors to improve our school by gathering the views of the children. For example, our opinions were crucial in appointing our new teachers.


Helping to Serve our Community

Our school works together!  Pupils and adults work in partnership towards our shared school vision.  We also serve our wider community. For example, our fund raising day for BBC Children in Need raised over £585!



Awards we have acheived so far.
