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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

MfL - Spanish

Modern Foreign Language - Spanish

at Sawley Junior School

Hablas Español

MFL Español


To introduce children to simple vocabulary and structure that can be applied on a daily basis during their school routines through various contexts, according to their age and ability.

Gradually acquiring confidence and independence towards achieving their cultural awareness whilst fostering curiosity about the wider world.

Encouraging our children to effectively develop Linguistic skills enabling them to accurately communicate and gain further knowledge in Spanish by speaking, listening, reading and writing as well as distinguish different native accents/intonations from their starting point in Year 4 up to Year 6 and to continuously advance their skills in secondary school.

Through Spanish our children  will Experience different things'- one of our school visions which is to promote  inquisitiveness and interest. We deliver international opportunities through the use of our Spanish Pen-pal letter exchange of cross cultural programme between a Primary Spanish School  Escola Gravi Barcelona and Sawley Junior School. This enables them to benefit , enrich and broaden their minds to become assertive learners.


Implementacion de la Lengua Española

Speak Listen Writing


  1. To establish core vocabulary and deepen phonetical understanding at the start of each year. 
  2. During lessons incorporating language by using fun Oral monologues, dialogues and interviews tailored according their needs in order to boost and become self confidence.
  3. Teach Hispanic Culture through celebrations, fiesta, food, dance and famous Spaniard/Latino influencers to explore and wider their knowledge about our world.
  4. Make ICT useful resource to access and gain oral audio and visual skills through activities such as games, Spanish music, create PPT writing letters to their Pen-pals and recording videos for Spanish presentations and displays.
  5. Providing international opportunities e.g Pen pals enabling pupils to have an enjoyable experience by exploring, discovering and broaden their minds and social skills.
  6. Variety of activities  (theory & practical) set out in classroom or outdoor where children can articulate and confidently master their linguistic skills.




Awards we have acheived so far.
