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at Sawley Junior School
What do we want SJS children to learn?
In Maths pupils are taught in line with the National Curriculum, supplemented by units that have developed over time as our own Sawley curriculum.
Pupils build an in-depth understanding and ability to apply each branch of maths:
Sawley has a clear lesson structure for maths lessons across all year groups; where pupils are supported in developing fluency skills, applying these skills to questions presented in different ways, including reasoning/problem solving problems. This is achieved by the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to ensure a thorough knowledge of each concept, in line with the NCETM’s 5 Big Ideas:
How do we achieve our Intent?
Willows Academy Trust subject leaders hold cluster meetings half-termly working together to meet the aims and vision of the Trust.
Teacher use a wide range of resources to support their maths delivery, including: White Rose premium resources, Headstart and a variety of teacher guide books and teacher resources web pages.
Progression is ensured through the use of year specific Stick Mark Boom targets, ensuring each strand of maths is broken down into age appropriate parts. Non-negotiables have been identified in each year group. Non-negotiables are the essential elements and ‘basics’ of Maths that are crucial for children’s mathematical learning and progression. Of course, all areas of Maths are important and valuable but a focus on the ‘basics’ can help to advance and secure their learning across this subject. For example: In year 3 recognising place value in 3 digit numbers and then adding/subtracting these is then developed into larger digit numbers in year 4. In year 5 adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominators is developed in year 6 with all 4 operations applying to mixed numbers and fractions with differing denominators.
Activities within the units of maths taught at Sawley are based on the 5 Big Ideas from the NCETM (above). Children start each lesson with their “Fastest 5” – where 5 minutes is spent on quick fire questions. From there, they will be encouraged to be active in their learning of the basic concept ie addition, before moving through “Twisted” tasks – where the problems are presented in different ways, to help develop application skills. All children are then focused on “Deep dives” applying their skills to reasoning/real life problems.
Awards we have acheived so far.