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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

What We Are Learning

Autumn 2

Welcome back! We hope you are feeling refreshed after your half term break and are ready for the term ahead. We are looking forward to completing lots of work in the build up to Christmas.



Geography: International Trade. This half term we will be learning about global trade and which goods are imported into and exported out of the UK. We will learn which items of food are the most traded, what fair trade is, the definition of food miles and the impact that they have on our wider world. 



This term we will begin by writing a fact file about food miles, followed by a persuasive letter to an MP about the consequences of larger food miles on our environment. To end the term, we will be focusing on a lonely cleaner who finds friendship at Christmas and writing a diary entry and postcard from their point of view.  



During this half term we will continue to deepen our knowledge of the four operations, and place value. We will then move onto look at fractions, multiplication and division. 



We will be learning properties of materials. We will focus on:


  • Classifying objects and explaining the classification criteria used referring to materials and their properties.
  • Comparing and grouping materials by setting up comparable fair tests to test their properties.
  • Comparing and grouping materials by setting up comparable fair tests to test their properties.
  • Using a comparative fair test to test the thermal insulating properties of different materials.
  • Planning an investigation to identify electrical insulators and conductors
  • Use a comparative fair test to investigate the solubility of different materials.


PE: Invasion games: 

We will be developing our skills in attacking and defending in small-sided games.


PE: Gymnastics:

We will be developing our gymnastic skills where we will develop creative travelling skills, rolling skills, balancing skills and jumping skills.



In RE we will be looking at Stories and Hinduism and we will focus on the following:


  • Understand Hindus believe God is represented in different forms.

  • Explore how Krishna is represented in stories.

  • Explore Hindu teachings on success.

  • Explore themes of punishment and forgiveness through Hindu stories.

  • Explore Hindu teaching about telling the truth.



In PSHCE, we will be focusing on ‘Celebrating differences’. We will cover:


  • Understand what racism is and that cultural differences can cause conflict.
  • Recognise that name calling and rumour spreading can be bullying behaviour.
  • Explain the difference between direct and indirect types of bullying.
  • Compare my life with those in the developing world.
  • Respect my own and other people’s cultures.



We will be focusing on composition through ‘At the Movies’. We will cover:


  • Understanding music narrative, and exploring and using narrative structure.
  • Interpreting notation
  • Composing sound effects to perform with a movie
  • Identifying changes in tempo and their effects
  • Exploring and understanding phrase structure of a song melody



Modern Foreign Languages: Spanish - La Fruta


  • Name and recognise up to 10 fruits in Spanish.
  •  Attempt to spell some of these nouns.
  •  Ask somebody in Spanish if they like a particular fruit.
  •  Say what fruits they like and dislike.


Computing: Video Production

We will cover:


  • What is video? 
  • Using a storyboard
  • Filming Techniques
  • Planning a video
  • Importing and Editing 
  • Video Evaluation


Autumn Term 1: Ancient Greece: How have the Ancient Greeks influenced us?



Awards we have acheived so far.
