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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

Welcome to Year 4


Spring 1

Hello everyone ! Please check the website and our class dojo pages to keep up to date with all of our Year 4 news!



We are still promoting the use of Accelerated Reader both at home and in school. Please remember to read regularly at home and take the test at the end of the book to show your understanding of what has been read. We are practicing reciprocal reading roles within our guided reading lessons. These roles include predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising the text we read. We have talked a lot about using our skimming and scanning skills when trying to answer questions about the text and have discussed using evidence from the text in our answers.


Please can we continue to ensure your child brings their reading book and record into school everyday to allow us to read with them and monitor their progress. 



Children are given spellings each week, Some children will be provided with different spellings depending on their spelling group. These can be also be found on your Class Dojo page and can be practiced using the Edshed logins. Please ensure that your child learns these spellings as they will be tested every Friday. At the end of the 4 sets of spellings, there will be a spelling test covering the previous weeks to ensure children have retained these spelling rules. 


Times Tables

Children will work hard to learn their times tables this year as we have our Times Tables test at the end of the year. We will be spending lots of times practicing using times tables squares, TT Rockstars and rhymes and songs. You can find some of these songs/chants on our dojo pages! Year 4 should all have their Times Tables Rockstars login to enable them to play games and learn multiplication and division facts in a fun way. You can also try 'Hit The Button' on TopMark where no login is needed. We also use the Year 4 multiplication practice check to get our Year 4s used to the time limit, the link to this can be found on our class dojo pages.


PE Days

4D: Monday and Tuesday

4M: Tuesday and Thursday

4R: Monday and Wednesday


Please make sure that your child comes to school ready in their PE kit on these days. PE Kit is their Owl house t-shirt; shorts/leggings/joggers; trainers. Swimming letters have gone out detailing what is needed for kit.  Earrings and jewellery must be removed during PE lessons. If your child is unable to remove their own earrings then please cover these with tape. Providing your child with a water bottle will allow your child to stay hydrated as they enjoy their PE lesson.


Here are some ways that you can help your child keep organised and excel in their learning at school:

  • Avoid lost property by making sure ALL their possessions – especially coats, jumpers and PE uniform - are marked with their name.
  • Encourage your child’s growing independence by letting them begin to organise what they need each day for school. 
  • Listen to your child read for 15 minutes daily if possible; and ask them about their books.
  • Practise maths skills in an enjoyable and informal way – e.g. number games, mental arithmetic, table facts and maybe even practically! 
  • Encourage and support them to complete their Homework Challenges to a high standard - as independently as possible.  (Please ask your child’s teacher for any resources or support you may need.)  Post any completed work to their Class Dojo portfolio for feedback.




PE (see timetable)

Children should arrive in PE kits on the days they have PE. PE will be done outdoors where possible.

  • PE t-shirt with school jumper over;
  • PE shorts with joggers over (can be removed easily if we do PE indoors)
  • Trainers (trainers are preferable for outdoor PE and also suitable for indoors if necessary. Plimsolls are not suitable for all day wear.)



Other important information:


Spellings: The children will be given a copy of spellings each week. They will be tested each Friday. Spellings will also be added to SpellingShed. 

Times tables: We will be practising our times tables to 12 x 12. These will be key to successfully developing our maths skills. TT Rockstars is a useful tool in this practise and will help prepare the children for their times table assessment later in the year. Please check the Maths pages for more information and MyMaths homework links.



Don’t forget to check the website to keep up to date with Y4 learning.  You will find examples of children's work on our Class Dojo pages.

Download The School App for messages.

How to contact us:


If you wish to raise a concern/issue with school your child's class teacher is always the first person to contact, these are the staff that know your child best.

Please message the class teacher via Class Dojo. The class teacher will respond as soon as possible. You can also request a telephone appointment with the class teacher via Class Dojo. Telephone appointments are usually at the end of the school day.

Teachers will check Class Dojo at least every other day.  If your message is urgent, please telephone the school office.



Awards we have acheived so far.
