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at Sawley Junior School
What do we want SJS children to learn?
Our Computing curriculum at Sawley Junior School follows the National Curriculum. Pupils build a broad range of knowledge, experience and skills to allow them to become active participants in a rapidly evolving digital world and prepare for the world of work. Learning is organised into the following four domains:
Computer Systems and Networks: The children will learn about how computers function both individually and as part of computer networks including the internet. They will learn to appreciate and take advantage of the opportunities that computers offer for communication and collaboration.
Data and Information: The children will learn how we use computers to group, store, represent, analyse and interpret different types of data.
Programming: The children will learn how to read, write, design and debug programs that accomplish specific goals. This will include the use of sequence, selection and repetition in programs together with work including variables and various forms of input and output.
Creating Media: The children will learn to use and combine a variety of software and their own content (e.g. recordings) to create and modify different types of digital media.
The teaching of online safety is essential during computing lessons. This is taught across all modules in small, regular intervals and staff are encouraged to remind children about staying safe when using technology. In addition to the e-safety message woven through our curriculum, we teach short e-safety lessons during Monday morning assembly slots using resources from Project Evolve.
Children who show an interest in computer programming may wish to attend Sawley Cyber Squad (Computing Club) which is run by the Computing lead.
How do we achieve our Intent?
Staff are supported by the Computing subject leader.
Willows Academy Trust subject leaders hold cluster meetings half-termly and work together to meet the aims and vision of the Trust.
Following a successful year using this scheme, the school will be continuing to use the Teach Computing scheme which was created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation on behalf of the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) to teach all computing lessons.
The aims of the Teach Computing Curriculum are to:
All short e-safety sessions during assembly time and our school wide internet safety days will mainly use resources from Project Evolve, Google’s ‘Be Internet Legends’ scheme and Barefoot Cyber. Staff are encouraged to embed the language from ‘Be Internet Legends’ whenever their classes are using technology.
Please visit our Stay Safe Online Page:
For information on Sawley Computing Club:
Awards we have acheived so far.