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In these unusual times volunteers across local communities are coming together on online platforms including Facebook/Twitter and are trying to support local communities. Please check your local groups online to keep up to date.
If you require more formal support below are some useful contacts. Please be mindful that all services are working on reduced numbers of staff/volunteers.
Derbyshire County Council:
If you are concerned that a child is suffering or is at risk of significant harm please contact:
Call Derbyshire/StartingPoint on 01629 533190
Safeguarding Advice:
If you're worried about a child, even if you're unsure, contact our professional counsellors for help, advice and support.
Support for Children and parents in relation to mental health, safety, bulling and various other support.
Information of how to keep children safe online:
08000 198 668 Derbyshire 24/7 helpline
If it is an emergency, tel: 999.
You can also email the support line giving a number you can be contacted safely at derbyshiredahelpline@theelmfoundation.org.uk
Refuge - For women and children. Against domestic violence
0808 2000 247 Free 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Women's Aid
If you tel: 999 from a mobile but it is not safe for you to speak, Silent Solution is a system the police use to assess and respond to your call. Tel: 999 and if it's not safe to respond to the BT operator when they ask what service you want, stay connected. If the operator hears any suspicious noise you'll be transferred to the police.
If nothing is heard you may be asked to press 55 - this will connect you to a police call handler. Listen carefully to their questions and instructions so that they can assess your situation and arrange for assistance. This system means that the police can respond to genuine emergencies when people are in danger and accidental or hoax 999 calls do not distract them.
Accidental 999 calls from a landline are less likely so if you tel: 999 from a landline but are unable to speak you will be connected without being asked to enter 55.
This site is updated daily and contains information of benefits, Universal Credits etc.
If a person can’t sign on or visit JC+, then they need to record in their journal that they are self-isolating because of …..(state reason) and do the questionnaire on the link below.
Derbyshire Discretionary Fund Application Line:
01629 533399 Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm
Sawley Area: Long Eaton Area:
Trussell Trust Trussell Trust:
165 Wilmot Street Christ Church
Sawley 1 College Street
Long Eaton NG10 3EL Long Eaton NG10 4NE
Saturday mornings Tuesday and Friday 10am until 12 noon
Ilkeston Area:
Arena Church (referral from Agency)
Offering food and hot meals to the Community
Tuesday and Friday 12 noon until 2pm
1 Rutland Street Ilkeston DE7 8DG (opposite Tesco)
Tel: 0115 944 2996 Option 2
Derbyshire Districts
Castledine House,
Heanor Rd,
0300 456 8390 Adviceline is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.
Calls to this number are charged at the same rate as 01 and 02 numbers.
Please contact your own social housing provider or mortgage lender (These details will be on any correspondence you have had from your provider)
Other support/advice available from:
DHA Erewash Borough Council
153 Bath Street Tel: 0115 907 2244
Ilkeston, DE7 8AS
Tel: 0115 930 0199
Erewash Voluntary Action CVS offering support to volunteers and local groups.
Granville Avenue,
Long Eaton
NG10 4HD
Tel: 0115 946 6740
Signs and Symptoms A-Z for all ages.
https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19 Updated constantly.
Awards we have acheived so far.