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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

PSHE Curriculum including Relationships and Sex Education

PSHE/RSE at Sawley Junior School


Our intent at Sawley Junior School is that all pupils will become lifelong learners.  We aim to foster our children’s confidence and ability to develop skills and understanding to enable them to play a positive and successful role within our society as active citizens.  We offer a nurturing and inclusive learning environment in which each child is encouraged to aspire and achieve their full potential and where individual achievements and successes are celebrated and rewarded. 

Our PSHE/RSE curriculum adopts a mindful and child-centred approach that is tailored to the needs and requirements of our school community. Within our everyday practice staff adapt our curriculum to secure best outcomes for all.  As a school we believe that pupils are all individuals, which is implicit in our school vision and therefore, we aim to encourage mutual respect, responsibility and foster self-esteem in a happy and caring environment. 

Through using the Jigsaw (scheme of work for PSHE & RSE) our pupils acquire knowledge, understanding and the skills they need to prepare them for life, helping them really know and value who they truly are and understand how they relate to other people in this everchanging world.  It develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society within the global community.



Weekly Jigsaw lessons are is implemented throughout the whole school and are adapted throughout for the needs of particular year groups and pupils.  As well as this, specific curriculum requirements such as Relationships and Sex Education are included in the Jigsaw programme to ensure the school is compliant with the statutory requirements which came into effect in September 2020.

Jigsaw PSHE supports the development of the skills, attitudes, values and behaviour, which enable pupils to:

Have a sense of purpose

Value self and others

Form relationships

Make and act on informed decisions

Communicate effectively

Work with others

Respond to challenge

Be an active partner in their own learning

Be active citizens within the local community

Explore issues related to living in a democratic society

Become healthy and fulfilled individuals


Jigsaw deals with diverse beliefs, values and attitudes that individuals and societies hold. It helps pupils to develop themselves, their understanding of the world and their ability to communicate their feelings. Pupils at Sawley Junior also acquire an understanding and experience of British Values that are necessary if they are to make a sense of their experiences, value themselves, respect others, appreciate differences and feel confident and informed as a British citizen.

In addition to our PSHE Jigsaw curriculum, the school also offers additional support and provision for our pupils through supplementary activities in the following areas:  E-safety, SEND, School Council,  Healthy Schools, cooking sessions, ‘experience’ workshops, anti-bullying week and peer mentors as well as developing the emotional literacy of its pupils through positive play sessions and small group/1:1 sessions for targeted individuals.  Additional professional support and advice is sought from organisations such as CAHMS, the School Nursing Team and Derbyshire Wish.



At Sawley Junior School, we assess the implementation and impact of our Jigsaw lessons so that all pupils aspire, achieve and thrive.  We ensure that we provide the support that is necessary for all pupils to achieve whether that be in class or with an additional identified support.  Through our PSHE education, we believe we can enhance pupils’ education and help them to become caring, respectful and confident individuals.  Teachers will use multiple methods to evaluate their teaching on pupils learning, to ensure that pupils make progress.  The range of measures used include:

Continuous assessment from teachers during individual lessons, to adapt and plan for necessary changes within the programme based on individual need.

Pupil voice interviews to assess knowledge of themselves as learners and be emotionally confident within the school.

Circle times, class assemblies and whole school assemblies allow opportunities to address needs as they arise.

Through meta-cognition and a growth-mindset approach, pupils are able to explain their learning and identify their own areas for development.

Book scrutiny and learning walks are used to gain a holistic understanding of the whole child’s learning including the pride in their work, self-confidence, as well as their ability to explain their learning and understanding about themselves, others and the world in which they live.

 Loan Library 


The school has purchased a small library of books focused on the theme of relationships and growing up.  Parents are welcome to borrow from this collection short term loan should they find this useful. Please contact the school if you would like to access this opportunity.






Awards we have acheived so far.
