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Sawley Junior School


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Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

Homework Challenges

There are lots of different things you can do at home to support your learning in the classroom:



  • Try to read as much as you can. We recommend 15-20 minutes every day. 
  • Your teacher will set weekly homework on MyMaths.
  • You can practise your spellings on Spelling Shed.
  • You can improve your score on Times Tables Rock Stars.


Please contact your class teacher if you need a new login for any of these.


If you fancy something more creative, please have a look at our list of exciting topic related homework challenges! 



Autumn 1: Ancient Egypt: Tomb Raider Homework Challenges

Autumn 2: Mapping the World: Where on Earth Am I? Homework Challenges

Spring 1: What did the Romans do for us? Homework Challenges



Awards we have acheived so far.
