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Autumn 1:
Welcome to Y6! We hope you had a lovely summer break and are well rested. We are looking forward to building upon the hard work completed in Y5. We are also looking forward to our residential towards the end of this half term!
Learning Challenge: History: Victorian exploration and Empire. This half term we will be learning about the British Empire throughout he Victorian era. We will learn about how the Empire spread through Africa and some key figure who were involved in this. We will look at the achievements of Mary Kingsley and investigate the consequences of the British Empire (both positive and negative).
English: This term we will be writing a narrative, a biography/fact file and a letter.
Weekly, we will be completing SPAG and comprehension lessons in order to prepare the children for their end of year SATS.
Maths: During this half term we will be deepening our knowledge of the four operations, and place value.
Science: We will be learning about Evolution and inheritance. We will focus on:
Recognising that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about the living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.
Recognising that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally off spring vary and are not identical to their parents.
Identifying how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.
P.E: Invasion games: We will be developing our skills in basketball, football and hockey.
P.E: Victorian Dance: We will be developing our dance skills through a simple themed dance based around the Victorians.
R.E: In RE we will be looking at Sikhism and we will focus on:
Finding out what Sikhs believe and some of the features of Sikh worship. Finding out how Sikhs worship through prayer.
Finding out how children are welcomed into the Sikh community and exploring the Sikh tradition of the Langar and the Sikh practice of Sewa.
PSHCE: In PSHCE, we will be focusing on ‘Being Me in my World’. We will cover:
Identifying goals for the year
Understanding fears and worries and how to expressing them.
Understanding universal rights for children & comparing different communities.
Understanding how my actions affect other people.
Making choices about my behaviours and understanding consequences/rewards.
Understanding how an individual’s behaviour can impact a group.
Understanding democracy.
Music: We will be focusing on ‘Journeys’. We will cover:
Singing in a 3-part harmony
Exploring expressive singing in a part-song with echoes
Developing song cycles for a performance. Staging a performance with awareness of audience
Singing a pop song with a backing harmony
Learning about a song’s structure
Learning to sing a major/minor pattern
Learning a pop song with understanding of its structure.
Modern Foreign Languages: My Home. We will be learning how to say the types of home as well as different areas where people live.
Computing: Computing systems and networks, Communication and collaboration secure websites/people online/e-safety.
We will cover:
The importance of internet addresses
Recognising how data is transferred across the internet
Explaining how sharing information online can help people to work together
Awards we have acheived so far.