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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

What We Are Learning

Spring 1:

Happy new year! We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and are well rested. We are looking forward to building upon the hard work completed in Autumn term 2.


Learning Challenge: History: The Ancient Mayan civilization. This half term we will be learning about the Maya civilization.  We will be learning about who the Maya were, when they existed and what they believed in. We will use artefacts from their civilization to examine how their society was organized and will discover lots about the gods that they worshipped and believed in. Finally, we will investigate some different theories surrounding how the Maya civilization declined.


English: This term we will be writing a suspense narrative, diary entry and a mystery during Wordsmith Week. We will also delivering discrete SPaG lessons as well as recapping previously taught knowledge. Some of these will use our knowledge gained in our History topic and science topics.  


Maths: During this half term we will be continuing to develop our fractions knowledge. We will then focus on converting between units of measure before moving on to learn about ration and how to calculate ratio. We will also be learning about Algebraic expressions and how to use Algebra.  


Science: We will be learning about light. We will focus on:


Recognising that light appears to travel in straight lines.

Using the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye.

Explaining that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes.

Using the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them.

P.E: Our PE topics will be Pilates and rugby. In Pilates we will be learning how to perform basic movements, focusing on different dance styles or Olympic sports from throughout history. We will be learning how Pilates can be used as a calming and de-stressing activity. In rugby, we will be understanding and learning how to run with the ball, we will learn how to pass the ball and we will understand how to tag opponent. Finally, we will apply our newly developed skills into a game of rugby.


R.E: In RE we will be considering what the Qur’an is and we will be explaining why it is important to Muslims.  


PSHCE: We will be learning about how we can set goals and will be considering the things we need to do in order to meet our goals. We will also be looking at how some people have to cope with difficult situations.  


Music: Growth. We will be learning how to move to a three-beat pulse and will revise rhythmic ostinato. We will then improvise and perform rhythmic and melodic ostinato. We will learn how to sing in harmony and will learn about chords.  Finally, we will use our newly acquired skills to develop a performance.


 Modern Foreign Languages:  La ropa – clothes

The children will learn vocabulary for a number of items of clothing in Spanish and say what they would wear for various scenarios/times of the year.


Computing programming:

This unit explores the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. First, learners find out what variables are and relate them to real-world examples of values that can be set and changed. Then they use variables to create a simulation of a scoreboard.



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Awards we have acheived so far.
