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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

What We Are Learning

Summer 2:

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely half-term and are well rested. We are looking forward to building upon the hard work completed in Summer 1. We are also looking forward to demonstrating great acting skills in our end of year performance!


Learning Challenge: Geography: South America. This half term we will be learning about South America. We will learn about the countries of South America, the issues of over-population that impact countries of South America and we will be learning about famous South American landmarks such as Machu Picchu. In addition to this, we will be looking at river basins, Angel Falls and the Andes mountain range. Once we have finished our South America topic, we will be learning about Maps, four figure and six figure grid references, we will also be looking at Geographical features of Europe and the world and will be comparing Europe to Asia. Finally, we will look at transport networks.


English: This term we will be writing an adventure story, a persuasive travel brochure leaflet and then we will be developing our acting skills by performing our end of Y6 production!

In reading, we will be reading ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ and will be continuing to develop our reading fluency in order to ensure we are ‘Secondary Ready’.


Maths: During this half term we will be developing our calculator skills, completing some problem-solving Maths by designing and costing our own theme parks and will revise shape and statistics in preparation for secondary school.


Science: We will be finishing off our topic of living things and their habitats. We will:

  • Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals
  • Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics


P.E:  Rounders/Athletics:  We will be developing our throwing and catching skills,

fielding skills, overarm throwing and underarm bowling, increase accuracy, batting technique and playing the game.  In Athletics we will be: running, jumping, throwing,  completing relays and taking part in multi activity events.



R.E: We will explore how Faith is expressed through the Arts, our learning objectives will be:


To recognise that expressing faith involves feelings and emotions

To find out how music can be a form of religious expression

To understand how colour can be used to express religious feelings

To understand how art can be spirited

To find out how Islamic Art helps Muslims worship. 

To understand how drama is used to reinforce stories


PSHCE:  We will be focusing on the changes that occur to our bodies and relationships as we get older. We will learn about self-image, puberty, and babies from conception to birth.


Music:  Summer Leavers Production.  To sing in solo, unison and in parts with clear diction, controlled pitch and with sense of phrase.  To think about the audience when performing and how to create a special effect. 


Modern Foreign Languages:  At the café. We will be learning how to order food and drinks and will be learning how to talk about the food and drink we like in Spanish.


Computing: Programming: We will use functions to create user input in programs, we will then use loops create drawings, use nested loops to create a maze and will learn how to use variables to keep track of certain elements in a program.




Awards we have acheived so far.
