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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

Mission Be Happy, Be Safe! (Mental Health and Wellbeing)


“What's the bravest thing you've ever said?” 


(from The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse - Charlie Mackesy)



We all need somewhere that we feel happy and safe.

If we feel safe.

Then we are more comfortable to take risks.

To ask questions.

To make mistakes.

To learn how to trust.

To share our feelings and to…



Our overall wellbeing includes our physical, mental and emotional health.  Having good wellbeing is about finding ways to look after yourself both physically and mentally, in order to be happy and feel positive or to better cope with any stresses, anxieties and experiences that life throws at us.  This may change different times depending on what is happening in our lives.  It is often how we choose to take control of a situation that will impact how we continue to feel and behave.


  Wilmot’s Wellbeing Warriors  

     are here to help you achieve good wellbeing.

We are here to help if you have a problem, a worry, a complaint or idea.

Join our mission...

Together we can do so much!

Be Happy!


                      Mindfulness                                   Yoga                   Creative Art Ideas for Wellbeing   


                   Click image to Explore              

Be Safe!


                      Click image to explore                        





Health for Kids Website - Information, facts and interactive activities to explore

Click on the the Wilmot Wellbeing Warrior


Speak    -   Share   -   Smile

If there is something you need, want or must share that is stopping you from being happy or safe then let us hear your voice.

Be Heard - Click on the heart to complete a form and a Wilmot Warrior will get back to you as soon we can.




Awards we have acheived so far.
