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Autumn 2:
We are so excited to welcome Year 4 back for their second half term and learn some amazing things! Read on to find out all of the topics we will be working on!
Learning Challenge: Mapping the World – Where on Earth Am I?
Join us as we find out all about different aspects of our world. Put your map reading skills to the test as we locate the continents, Equator and Northern and Southern Hemispheres! We will be using digital mapping to help locate all of these places and more! We'll have fun trying to locate all the places Year 4 have travelled to!
English: This term we will be learning about the features of diary writing and creating our own diaries based on the places we have been learning about!
Reading Fluency: This half term we will be using the knowledge of the Egyptians we have gained to explore The Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo.
Maths: In this half term we will be looking at addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and measurement.
Science: This term, we will be learning all about Animals including Humans. We will be looking at questions including:
Can you describe the digestive system in humans?
Can you identify different human teeth?
Do you know how to keep your teeth healthy?
Can you compare the teeth of ominvores, carnivores and herbivores?
Can you create a food chain?
Can you link animals habitats with the food they eat?
P.E: Our PE topic will be Invasion Games. This topic covers skills such as evading opponents, moving effectively and changing direction quickly.
We will also be swimming this half term!
R.E: In RE we will be looking at Christianity: Christmas Journey's. We will:
PSHE: Celebrating differences - In this topic we will be learning how to:
Art: Painting and Mixed Media: Light and Dark - In this topic we will be:
Music: Ukulele. This half term we will be:
Modern Foreign Languages: This term in Spanish we will be recapping:
Computing: Data Logging. We will be learning:
Design Technology: Seasonal Stockings. We will be learning to:
Awards we have acheived so far.