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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

SJS Enrichment Activities & Theme Weeks

Have a look at all the enrichment activities that took place during 2022-23...

In addition to our exciting and stimulating curriculum, we also provide other opportunities to enhance the children’s learning where ever possible.

Sawley Junior School offers pupils an array of enrichment activities to provide exciting, stimulating experiences that enhance our curriculum and children's individual learning.

These include:

  • Themed days/weeks:
    • British Values
    • Enterprise Week
    • Online Safety
    • Black History Week
    • Anti-Bullying Week
    • Wilmot's Wordsmith Week
    • Wilmot's Health & Well-Being Week
  • educational visits linked to class topics/subjects
  • residential trip for Year 6
  • visits to the school by performing arts groups & workshops
  • invited speakers
  • events organised to support parents to help their child
  • Reading Buddies
  • Peer Mediators
  • Mini-Leaders
  • performance opportunities - musical, dramatic
  • sports competitions
  • participation in charitable activities
  • Bikeability
  • letter exchange with a Spanish school


We also organise visitors to come into school to help bring learning to life. In addition, we invest in specialist educational providers such as Music Services and specialist sports coaches. Excellent partnerships with our local schools also help us to further the experiences of our pupils.



Awards we have acheived so far.
