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Sawley Junior School is part of the ONE Academy Trust multi-academy trust.
Click the logo to visit the trust website to find out more.
ONE Academy Trust is a charitable limited company registered in England and Wales.
Company Number: 09093035
Registered Head Office: Sawley Junior School, Wilmot Street. Long Eaton, Nottingham. NG10 3DQ
The following information can be found on the ONE Academy Trust website by clicking on the logo above:-
Contact details for ONE Academy Trust
General enquiries about the trust can be made by:
Email: The trust central team/CEO at enquiries@oneacademytrust.co.uk or the governance coordinator (Diane Dakin) at d.dakin@oneacademytrust.co.uk
Tel: 0115 9733626 (via Sawley Junior School) and leave a message for the CEO or Diane Dakin
Our Chief Executive Officer can be contacted as follows:
Graham Boyd
Tel: 0115 9733626 (via Sawley Junior School)
Email: g.boyd@oneacademytrust.co.uk
Correspondence address:
ONE Academy Trust
c/o Sawley Junior School
Wilmot St
Long Eaton
NG10 3DQ
The chair of the board of trustees can be contacted as follows:
Dr Pip Dean
Email: Please contact via the clerk to the board of trustees, Diane Dakin - d.dakin@oneacademytrust.co.uk)
Our data protection officer (SchoolPro) can be contacted via:
Diane Dakin
Email: d.dakin@oneacademytrust.co.uk
Tel: 0115 9733626 (via Sawley Junior School Office)
Awards we have acheived so far.