Get in touch

Welcome to

Sawley Junior School


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Get in touch

  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

Year 6


Greetings from the Year 6 Team!


On this page you can find the timetable for the week and find out about the exciting learning we will be doing!


If you need any help with logging in to online resources such as: 


TT Rockstars

Accelerated Reader

Spelling Shed

Microsoft Teams


Then, please get in touch with your child's class teacher via Class Dojo who will support you with this.


All children have got their My Maths, TT Rockstars and Accelerated Reader logins, which they can use and login at home. 


To access accelerated reader, please use this link:



Getting in Touch



Awards we have acheived so far.
