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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

What We Are Learning

Summer 2


Hello! Welcome back for our final half term as Year 3! We hope you all had a lovely half term break and are ready to learn lots of new and exciting things!


Below is lots of information about all the different things we are going to be learning about this half term. We are really excited to get started and learn lots of new things!



Learning Challenge: 




What Makes The Earth Angry?


During this topic, we will be learning all about how our Earth erupts and shakes due to its Tectonic plates. We will investigate the different layers of the earth beginning at the crust and ending at the core. We will learn about the ring of fire the most explosive part of our world and the impacts of earthquakes.




During this half term our English and Reading lessons will be concentrating on the book the BFG. We will be investigating the story, discovering the adventure and analysing the authorial techniques that Roald Dahl uses to create this beloved story. 



This half term we will be exploring

  • Geometry: right angles in turns (G1, G3).
  • Geometry: angles bigger/ smaller than right angles (G6).
  • Measure: perimeter (M2)
  • Shape


We will also continue to rehearse times tables and develop our reasoning skills through 'Deep Dive' and 'Twisted' challenges. 




This half term we will be investigating and exploring our understanding of: 


Working Scientifically


In this topic we will:

  • ask relevant questions and use different types of scientific enquiries to answer them
  • set up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests
  • make systematic and careful observations and, where
  • appropriate, take accurate measurements using standard units


P.E :




  • To develop pupils ability to trust and co-operate with each other through simple teamwork activities.
  • To develop pupils awareness of the outdoors through simple trail type activities
  • To develop pupils ability to use simple maps to navigate.
  • To develop pupils ability to use compass points to navigate.



    • To understand and practice developing fluency & coordination in running for speed.
    • Develop and practice different combinations of jumps.



    Religious Education :


    Religious Education – British Values

    • I can describe what it is like to live in the British Isles.
    • I can talk about what democracy is and understand why it is important.
    • I can talk about what rules and laws are and identify how they help us.
    • I can talk about what liberty means and I can identify the rights of British people. I can describe a diverse society and talk about why it is important.


    PSHCE :


    Changing Me- RSE

    • I understand that in animals and humans lots of changes happen between conception and growing up, and that usually it is the female who has the baby
    • I understand how babies grow and develop
    • I understand that boys’ and girls’ bodies need to change so that when they grow up their bodies can make babies
    • I can start to recognise stereotypical ideas I might have about parenting and family roles




    Communication and Ancient Worlds

    • Composing: Children create music based on technology
    • Structure: Children play in a round, cycle and compose


    Computing : 



    • To explain that animation is a sequence of drawings or photographs
    • To relate animated movement with a sequence of images
    • To plan an animation
    • To identify the need to work consistently and carefully
    • To review and improve an animation


    Design and Technology:


    Making Mini Greenhouses


    • Explore existing greenhouses
    • Investigate stable structures
    • Investigate materials for making a mini greenhouse
    • Design a mini greenhouse
    • Make a mini greenhouse
    • Evaluate a finished product.




    Craft and Design: Ancient Egyptian Scrolls


    Throughout this topic we aim to explore: 


    • Recognise and discuss the importance of Ancient Egyptian art.
    • Consider the suitability of a surface for drawing.
    • Record colours, patterns and shapes through observational drawing.
    • Choose and use tools and materials confidently.
    • Begin to experiment with drawing techniques.
    • Create a selection of sketches that show idea exploration.
    • Produce a final design with a clear purpose.
    • Follow instructions with minimal support.
    • Discuss and evaluate the process and outcome of their work.
    • Produce a complete painted or drawn piece from a design idea.
    • Use colours and materials appropriately, showing an understanding of effective composition.





    Awards we have acheived so far.
