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This week, you will receive your child’s Mid-Year Report.
This report is an indication of your child’s work habits, attitude to learning and social skills in school. It also includes information regarding attendance and some helpful targets for your child. The Mid-Year Report can be discussed with your child’s literacy and numeracy teachers at our forthcoming Open Evenings on:-
Monday 23rd February at 3.45pm - 5.00pm & Tuesday 24th February at 3.45pm - 6.15pm.
On Tuesday, you will receive your letter to indicate appointment times. Click here for the letter.
IMPORTANT NEWS - Changes to the way we assess your child
From September2014, the Government Department for Education (DfE) made a huge change in the way that children in schools are to be assessed. This is a new way of thinking for schools, and assessment will look very different to how it has done for the past 20 years. Included with your child’s report will be a guide to hopefully give you some clear information about the changes that are happening in Education and what that means for the children here at Sawley.
For more information on the new assessment arrangements, join us at Open Evening where we will be on hand to discuss assessment in more detail with you.
Awards we have acheived so far.