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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

January Staffing News

I am writing to inform you of some staffing changes that will take effect in the new term in January.


We have two members of staff who will be leaving Sawley Junior School this Friday: they will both be beginning new posts and furthering their careers at new schools in January.


After 4 years of dedicated work here at Sawley, Mrs Tinto will be leaving us.  Mrs Tinto’s class will be taught by Mrs Dhanoa.  Mrs Dhanoa will be joining us this week to get know the children and to ensure minimum disruption to the children’s learning.


Again, following 4 ½ years commitment to Sawley Junior School, Mrs O’Connor will also be leaving us to pursue her career in a new school. Teachers in Year 6 have the added responsibility of a demanding Year 6 curriculum which prepares the children for their SATs in May. It was imperative to ensure a replacement teacher knew the school well and had the appropriate experience. Mrs Beresford, who currently teaches Year 5, will be moving into Year 6 from January.


From January, 5B will be taught by Miss Fulford. In order to aid a smooth transition and a seamless change, Miss Fulford has been coming into school over the past few weeks, getting to know the children and planning for the new term with staff.


Both of these teachers have worked tirelessly whilst at Sawley Junior School: they have had a huge impact in terms of their contribution to our school as a whole and to those individual children they have taught. We are sad to see them leave however, we wish them all the very best in their new posts and future teaching careers.


Huge thanks also go to Mrs Whittington who has been teaching in Year 4WH during Mrs Wood’s absence. From January, Mr Walker will be teaching in 4WH on Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Whittington will be continuing her role in teaching 5TW Mondays and Tuesdays.

We would like to take this opportunity to assure parents/carers that Governors and senior leaders will continue to work hard to ensure that the education your child receives at Sawley Junior School remains of the highest quality.


We would like to thank you in anticipation for your continued support.



Awards we have acheived so far.
