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We are seeing an increasing number of parents that are requesting that their child bring a mobile phone to school. More often than not, this is for the purpose of communication when their child is walking to and from school.
While it is true that mobile phone technology provides benefits of quick and ready communication, mobile phones are not allowed in the classroom at Sawley Junior School.
With this in mind, it is strongly recommended that pupils should not bring mobile phones to school. If there are specific reasons why parents wish their child to have a mobile phone in school, they must obtain permission by writing or speaking to Mrs Burton or Mrs Taylor.
If a pupil has been given permission to have a mobile phone in school, it must be switched off and handed into the School Office by 8.55am. The phone can be collected at the end of the school day. The phone must be clearly identifiable as there may be duplicate models.
Emergency contact
Emergency contact with pupils should be made through the school office (telephone 0115 9733626) and not via pupils’ mobile phones. Similarly, pupils can use the school office should urgent contact with parents be required.
Responsibility for mobile phones
Please be aware that the School Office is not always occupied and that the school cannot take responsibility for the safety/security of mobile phones handed in at the school office.
Awards we have acheived so far.