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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

Ofsted Inspection - Update

Many parents have asked us about the outcome of our recent Ofsted Inspection. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to share outcomes with you until the final report has been produced. We should have this within 10 working days and will let you know as soon as this report is placed on the Ofsted website.

May I also take this opportunity to say how proud we are of the way the children have conducted themselves over the last few days. They have been shining examples of all areas of our school vision and the inspection team were most complimentary about standards of behaviour and the way the children respected the school and each other.

As the headteacher, I would say "yes", the children were great, but actually, they're great every day and they just conducted themselves as they normally would!

Friday 27th September will be a non-uniform day to say thank you.



Awards we have acheived so far.
