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The School Photographer will be in school to take individual and family group photographs on Thursday 18th September, commencing at 8.30am.
Should you wish your child to be photographed with their brother/sister who attend the Juniors please complete the reply slip at the bottom of this newsletter, telling us which class your children are in, and return to the school office by Friday 12th September. These family group photographs will then be taken during the morning.
If we have no reply slip your child will be photographed individually – only one reply slip is necessary per family.
If you wish your child to be photographed with younger children including those at the Infants/Nursery you must bring all your children to the hall at 8.30am for their photograph. All younger children should be accompanied by an adult at all times. Please note we will not be fetching any children from the Infants for family photos during school hours this year as they will all be taken between 8.30am and 9am.
If you have any questions please contact the office.
Please return to the school office by Friday 12th September 2014.
Child’s name _______________________ Class ____________
School Photograph to be taken with:
Name _____________________________ Class _____________
Name _____________________________ Class _____________
Awards we have acheived so far.