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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

Pyjamas for Honduras

Friday 15th November

This Friday, the children will be wearing  their pyjamas to school in support of the  children of Honduras.

Over the last few years, we have quietly donated school items to this worthwhile charity through a link Mrs Wood has with this charity in Derby. Years ago, we started by sending our old roller blackboards. Since then we have donated furniture, old textbooks and smaller classroom items. This was something the school did without advertising our contributions to the local community.

This year, The School Council, after consulting with all the children, have decided to make Honduras their charity of choice. Yes – it is Children in Need this Friday: our children have decided to send their donations to a particular group of children ‘in need’ and to strike a link with this worthwhile cause. They wanted to see where their money was actually going and to see what it was actually buying.

Donations will be sent via the CHTrust who are a Christian charity based in Derby. Once a  year, they send out containers to Honduras to help with all aspects of family life from education to basic living supplies. It costs around £50 to send a child to school in Honduras, and this is what our money will be helping with. £50 provides a child with uniform, shoes, trainers, school bag, and sufficient equipment to attend a state school for one year.

This is the children’s decision, and I would like to thank you in anticipation of your support.



Awards we have acheived so far.
