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Sawley Junior School


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  • Headteacher: Mrs A Burton
  • Deputy Headteacher: Mrs L Taylor

Sports Relief Day

The School Council have decided that the next fundraising activity they would like to organise is for Sports Relief Day, which is on Friday 18th March 2016.


The School Council would like to hold a chocolate tombola/lucky dip. To do this we need as many chocolate donations as possible, the more donations we have the more your children can win.

The chocolate can be a small chocolate bar e.g. a Freddo, to as large as a family size/share bag of sweets or a multibag of bars, or any chocolate that may be left over from Christmas.


To make this event a success we need as many bars as possible. Please can donations of chocolate be brought into school and handed into the office.

We will try to limit goes to x2 per child at a cost of 50p each, to enable as many children as possible to have a go.


Also, on this day we will be asking children to come dressed in their favourite sports kit, e.g. a football kit, kick boxing etc and to make a suggested donation of £1.

Children will also be allowed to have red face paint and to have non-permanent hair dye should they wish to on the day.


Please can you help us to make this event a success.





Awards we have acheived so far.
